Monday, May 28, 2018

2018 Memorial Weekend Garden Update

The potted garden plants, as in the potatoes in barrels, and the tomatoes and peppers in buckets are thriving this year.  I am also starting two cucumber plants in buckets that I will put side by side to help with pollination. I know that humidity was a killer last year, and so far, we are not having the high humidity factor.

I have planted the corn this weekend. Still waiting for the other garden area to show more signs of life than radishes, carrots and onions.  I do have one bean plant that came up, though. I had to replant a few things and I may need to replant again if I'm not seeing signs of life by next weekend.  Oregano is thick this year.  Have already cut our first batch and dried it. Should be able to get two or three more cuttings before July, when it will start bolting. Spinach already bolted, and that crop is dead for the summer.

Oh, and the potted garlic are still doing quite nicely. If I can get the basil and the dill to come up, I'll be a happy camper with my gardening starts this year.

Getting ready to sell three hens. We're drowning in eggs at the moment. The Rhode Island Reds are being kind of quirky.  One is sleeping outside the coop at night.  I think there is a flock/pecking order thing going on.  I'll start picking up the hen, putting her into the coop and closing the door in the evenings for the next week or two, to see if we can get that resolved. In the summer months, we rarely close up the coops at night, but in this case, I think we will need to. I know that they had a difficult time adapting when the Cornish Cross were taken away from the flock. 

Red Potato Plants

White Potato Plants

Sweet Bell Peppers

One of Three Tomato Plants

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Mom's Day Pullets, Hens, Eggs, Cats & Veggies

Today is Mother's Day and temps are supposed to hit 90F.

Hens and pullets are well-shaded, well watered and with a gentle breeze, should do fine.

We are getting three of our two-year-old hens ready for sale. They are still producing nicely for their age.

Large Terra Cotta Colored Eggs

2 years - Welsummers

Bonded Flock - Welsummers

For Sale
The Rhode Island Red pullets are quite chatty and friendly.  I'll try to get some audio/video of them next time. For now, this is their size at three months of age.

Friendly Rhode Island Red

3 months - Rhode Island Pullets

The Sun was starting to get Hot

The three Rhode Island Reds
One cat on the prowl, one cat asleep and the other is hiding.

Harpo is 12 years

Ginger will be 8 years in Sept!
The Garden Box is starting, little by little. This year, I started the Garlic (last fall) in a container because the winter garden box got damaged last fall and the other was not prepped for winter planting. Also, the tomato plants and the pepper plants are thriving in the green house.

Sweet Onion Starts

Radish Sprouts

Red Garlic on the Patio

Garlic (in a container)

Tomatoss & Sweet Peppers
So that's the kind of day this Mom is having.