Sunday, March 27, 2022

Spring Chicks March 2022

 It is spring chick time. I ordered 25 chicks for myself and others, then some special orders came in.... We picked up three more after we lost three of the first 25, and then picked up eight more today. Wheeee! So we have 33 in total as of today and hoping no more die.  The breeds are the traditional Barred Rock and Rhode Island Reds, plus Welsummers, Australorp, and Easter Eggers.  Picked up Silver Laced Wyandotte, Lavendar Orpingtons, and Black Copper Marans for special orders. So, we have our hands full of Chick Pooh, Sheets, Hemp Shavings, Special Warmers, Organic Feed, and Lots of Water. 

Barred Rock
Plymouth Rock
Black Copper Maran
Black Copper Maran
Easter Egger
Easter Egger
Lavender Orpington
Lavender Orpington
Rhode Island Red
Rhode Island Red
Silver Laced Wyandotte
Silver Lace Wyandotte
Black Australorp