Saturday, December 10, 2022

Tiny Gets to Perch with the Big Girls!

The integration process of our second, younger flock with the older flock was, rough this year.  We had to factor in Tiny and the thought process of chickens who have a hierarchy approach to life. While we certainly tried a lot of strategies, the process become one of taking out the most aggressive in the flock and "hand picking" a flock that was receptive to having a disabled bird in their midst. 

Now, that, emotionally, was not an easy decision but that's what it became. Plus, even after we got the "right" flock, they still were not receptive to her sleeping up next to them at night.  I put a brooder warmer into the corner of the hen house that she slept under for weeks.  But, at some point, she started to sleep up on a perch.  Not their perch, but close to them, and I'm guessing that she gets some warmth radiating from them? 

One of them, yesterday, injured her foot. Our Rhode Island Red was limping and falling over at times. I brought her into the house. I washed both feet all off, and didn't see any injury. No Blood. No Stickers. No Redness.  So it is just not clear. We pulled a dog crate into the laundry room so that we could keep an eye on her.  She did not move very much but she is able to stand.  She can't put much weight on it, and she definitely pulls it in close to her body when I pick her up.  She even laid us an egg today.  

Rather than put her back out with the flock, I have cleaned out one of our brooders and set  her up with everything she needs. She has a perch, food, grit and water, on a nice soft layer of shavings. She can walk /move around in there much better than she can in the crate, and this will give her some opportunity to exercise the muscles as she heals. 

As such, Rhody is not in the videos of the Tiny Bedtime Story. It is obvious that Tiny is trying to convince the other birds that she deserves to be up on the "main roost" with them, but, they kinda sweep her off to the side and tell her this is good enough. Her little vocals are pretty expressive for a chicken. 

Monday, December 5, 2022

Hatchery Brood for 2023


New Hatchery Order for the 2023 brood.  Am trying a different hatchery that is certified as NPIP. I ordered 50 all at once instead of the 20 to 25 that I typically order twice per year. The price of chicks went up again, and of course, shipping costs went up too.  Hoping to make this a more cost effective process. We have two brooders, and we can pull the pen into the garage if necessary. Going to go ahead and order my feed now so that I can write it off for this year and save a bit of money since feed prices keep going up. So, essentially, I'll need close to 300# of chick feed to get a brood of 50 girls started! Will get our meat birds around Easter time, and then, we'll be done with the baby chick process much sooner in the year. 

Chicken Breeds for 2023

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Snow Ducky Day 2022

 SNOW!  Although not our official first pre-winter snow day, it is sticking and accumulating. The ducks seem thoroughly unfazed even though I don't see them spending much time in their pool today. 

The chickens are snowless inside their pen.  We had rearranged the wind blocks to the north and east of the chicken coop and no snow for them to deal with. Chilly, but they seem happy with the set up.  

Ducks coop inside is also snowless so they have a place to get out of the snow and out of the weather if they choose. 

This is the first real snow day of the season where it (the snow) doesn't melt almost as quickly as it lands. 

Snow Ducks
Exploring the Snow
Watching the snow fly
Heading back to the coop