Thursday, May 23, 2013

Two Long Necks

One of the "new" baby chicks has developed "long neck."  At least, that's what I call it.  The chicks seem to get really long necks, almost over night, and when that happens, they try to take flight more readily. Since it appears that they all are going to be "long necks" by the end of the week, I decided to color the three newbies and recolor the two originals. Blue and Green have been "refreshed" with a dot of food coloring.  The new long neck is Red. The littlest peep is now Orange and the third is Purple.  I can certainly tell the difference between the originals in handling, as well.  The originals are easier to pickup and they tend to stay close by when I reach my hand into the brooder.  The other three tend to scatter in all directions.  It may take another week or two for them to gain trust of me.

Baby Chick Drinks Water
I wanted to add a note about how adorable it is to watch baby chicks drink water. After they dip their cute little beaks into the water, they then lean back and tip their little beaks toward the sky to swallow. Here are some cuties demonstrating the technique. They are not mine. I found the pix online.

Update 5/24 morning - Green has become the third long neck. 
Baby Chicks Drink Water