Big Sigh. While I did get a good start on some of my crops, like corn, potatoes, and dill, my other crops have been more of a late start or a restart. Lost all my garlic that I tried to winter over to something. Basil has been planted in a bad space so I started a couple more in a planter, as a just in case. The ones in the planter are finally starting to kick into gear.
Only half of the green beans that I planted came up, and so I have replanted more, today. The cantaloupe are flowering, but seem to be mostly (all?) male flowers. Only one short row of carrots have sprouted. Have replanted carrots three times, but seems the hot weather is the major issue with them.
Lost the first tomato plant I had. Had to buy another start and we do have several tomatoes maturing. Lost one of the two bell pepper plants. The second one that I purchased has bloomed before the first one I had.
Have never grown sage before, and it seems to be doing very well. No complaints on that one. Oregano keeps wanting to bolt on me. Hot hot too hot weather. I also am trying a different type of rosemary plant. Fingers crossed that it does better than the last one I had. Replanted a new planter of thyme and it is finally starting to kick into gear, as well.
Lettuce? I have replanted lettuce three times now and normally would have harvested two planters by now. Something kept eating them as soon as they started to get about two to three inches tall. This third planting (about two weeks ago) is coming up and I have it covered with a mesh in hopes that I can actually get some lettuce off this batch. \
Corn IS starting to sprout some ears. It is not as tall as the sweet corn I typically grow, but it is supposed to produce quicker. Not that it has, really, but yah... it's all about the weather.
I am waiting for the Russet potato leaves to start to die back so that I can harvest those. I'm guessing probably two more weeks. The Red Lasoda potatoes have not even started to flower, so I'm guessing that will be a September harvest.
Although I planted a seedless grape start in 2022, that first year was rough on the plant and it died back to the root when we had a very late freeze in April. It did finally start to grow last summer, but we didn't have any grapes. This year seems to have been a better year and looks like we might get a few grapes if something (wild animal or insects) don't eat them before we can.
It's always a challenge with such extreme weather pattern changes from year to year.