Saturday, July 27, 2019

Zero Percent Chance of Rain!

And it rains more than merely a drizzle! What the....! 

The electric oscillating fan that we set outside the greenhouse door to produce cross wind and keep it a bit cooler, is now drenched. The Potatoes that have been drying/curing for three weeks, are now wet! Hoping it's just the top surface of soil. I covered them as soon as I realized it was raining. It had not been raining too long, or too hard, since the area under the trees was still totally dry. 

Thankfully, I had the tomatoes in the shade of the tree because we had two very sunny hot days on Thursday and Friday. I didn't want the fruit to get sunburned. So I quickly moved the tomato plants from the shade of the trees under some real shelter as we have a lot of fruit that the rain also has the potential to damage. 

This rain, however, may cause the green blackberries to mildew.  😒

Aside from the Berries, Potatoes and Tomatoes, everything else that I have can handle the rains.