Monday, August 26, 2013

Big Girls Don't Honk

As you can tell, it has been more than a month since I have posted anything. Partly because I have been busy with a lot of other things, but also because I have been waiting for some "good news" on the upgrades. First off, all the girls are big now. They are starting to sound more like chickens too. All except the one which sounds more like a goose. I think it's Blue, but I'm not really certain since they all kind of look the same now.

The first two photos are the girls approaching me to see what I'm doing.

July and the first weeks of August were hot, so I picked up some "sunscreen" for the girls. No more sun bird... uh, I mean, sunburn. haha

Their feathers are incredibly beautiful! They almost remind me of a mini Bald Eagle feather.... and they definitely are everywhere.
This is the new feeder system, below and above. A double decker feeder using PVC pipe and plant saucers. Hopefully, this feeder will be less "buoyant" as the girls tend to knock the other feeder all around as they fly by.

The girls have sauntered back to the other end to check on me again.

Another pix of the girls and a pix of the new watering system in the making. It's still not done, but it is going to have an auto fill system built in. It is still being tested and developed. If it doesn't work, we have another idea in mind.

This last photo is one of the girls peeking at me around the edge of the coop, as if to ask "Whachadoin?"
As you can see, we have all been busy and the birls, I mean girls, have been growing. :)