Saturday, September 24, 2022

Fall 2022 Chickens and Ducks and Space

7 week old Rhode Island Cockerel
Ended up actually selling 16 birds this summer.  One was a rooster and I was able to get him sold fairly quickly at seven weeks of age, so that went pretty well. The last two pullets were picked up last weekend and now we only have the three viable pullets and our Tiny to raise over the winter months before selling them next year. The three are very tolerant of Tiny. But they won't sleep with her, no matter how much she pleads with them to join her on the warmer. hahah.

Three Pullets 8 weeks and Tiny (also 8 weeks)

Another photo of Pullets and Tiny through their fencing

8 week old Tiny resting in the grass
The ducks are 20 weeks old now and should be starting to lay eggs very soon.  We invested in an electric netting fence for them so that they can have more space to look for bugs, worms, etc., and their coop is more for them to sleep in, when they want.  We got it all set up yesterday, and they spent the whole night out exploring their new space and/or flying in and out of their little pond. They are so worn out, they have spent all morning in their coop today. 

Watering a lot to get their fence line damp so we don't have any field fires.  The fence is about 3.5 feet tall, and gives the ducks about 160 square feet of space for the four of them to "run" around in. 

20 week old Runner Ducks in their new fenced area

20 wk old Runner Ducks playing in their kiddie pool