Sunday, April 14, 2019

In the Process Earlier - Potato Sprouts

We took the current flock of Cornish Cross in to the "processor" a week earlier than normal. They grew fast.  It might be due to having more roos this time and they grow faster than the pullets. We had six roos and three pulls... we lost one pull last week.  Not sure why, but she was dead in the morning last weekend when we went to let them out into the run. I may have mentioned it when I talked about the yotes... Anyways, eight to the processor and to be picked up tomorrow by noon.  Quick turn around. Then in the spare fridge for 48 hour cure, then a quick chop chop and ready for the freezer.

It's been a few weeks since planting but the potatoes are starting to sprout out of the dirt! Our temps have been wonky... briskly cool more days than usual... I have the onions planted too. I way over planted the onions in hopes that we get more throughout the summer. Fertilized the fall garlics last week.  We are off to the races on the "under ground" plants. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Pesky Coyotes

This weekend, a young pair of coyotes were scoping out the Cornish Cross. During the day, they were right up to the pen, trying to figure out a way in. They quickly ran off as the back door opened with the guys walking out there, clapping loudly. This was pretty gutsy of these rascals. The guys reinforced the hinges on the pen door to make it hard for them to get in, but who knows? We do close up the chicks at night in the coop so even if the coyotes were to get into the pen at night, we would know it before releasing the the chicks in the morning. 

The chicks are about ready to process, and then we won't have to worry about this factor in a week or two.