Thursday, October 17, 2013

Fake Light and Real Eggs

Another of the girls has started laying eggs as of today. A little more than two weeks ago, one of the girls began laying eggs, but none of the others were so inspired. After some more "research" I realized that we just really were not getting enough sunlight during the day. I hope we have that part fixed now.

Today, I found a smallish, slightly blood smeared egg early in the morning, and another egg arrived around 10 this morning. It would appear that we now have two layers in the group.

Last Sunday (October 12) I added a small 40W bulb, on a timer to turn on at 4:00 a.m. in the coop. I set it to be on from 4 to 7:30 since some of our mornings can still be quite dark even after the sun comes up.

Essentially, this is week 26 for the girls. And my guess is that we just needed to add a little extra light in their day to activate their pineal glands for egg laying purposes.  Hopefully, this will do the trick and all four will be laying eggs soon enough.