Sunday, September 7, 2014

Other Things Happen around McCackcaul farm

The de-feathered hens are receiving a handful of mature mealworms a couple times per week. But they are not eating ALL the mealworms. Some of the worms are turning to pupaes then beetles, so the circle/cycle moves around with time. I keep each group separate. The pupaes, as they form, I pull out of the main tub and put them into a little container inside of the tub. I do this to keep the air the same moisture for the pupae, but the container gets checked once a day for newly hatched beetles. Beetles are placed into a fresh tub for breeding for about a month, then they all are pulled out and fed to the  chickens as a tasty treat. This way, no beetles eat up the newly forming larvae (mealworms).  :) When the mealworms get to their mature size, they sound INTENSEly like a bowl of rice crispies with a cup of milk.... They are eating/pooping machines that produce a lot of castings which end up on my garden.

Speaking of garden, the tomatoes are ripening to the point of needing to share the bounty. This was a great year for them. We have three types growing in five gallon buckets on our back deck.  Having them close to the house keeps the deer away.  In one of the photos is a shot of my little garden plot with a kind of futureistic cover surround to keep bunnies, deer and goats out. Too bad it doesn't keep out the slugs... ugh! But, the slugs don't get into my tomato plants!

Full Grown Mealworms

Pupae ready to hatch into beetles
Beetles ready to mate

The Giant Tomato that looks more like an apple
The Giant Apple Tomato

Giant Belgiums Ripening

Green Giant Belgium

Bonnies - look like large Strawberries

Lots of Sweet Mojos

Heavy Branches hang down to the deck

Fresh Picked Tomatoes

Fresh Sweet Mojos
And those are just some of the other events happening on our itty bitty farm.