Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Almost an Egg

The newer hens have upped their egg-sperience in laying eggs over the past month. Over the past two months, the seven hens were only laying a couple of medium sized eggs per day, and now we are starting to get three or four medium to large eggs per day, which is about the norm for this breed (approx three per week per hen). We assume that all are laying.  Some days we find three in the nest, and some days we find two in the nest and two in the coop. Even though we have two nesting boxes in the coop, they all want to lay their eggs in the one box, so I assume that a few are impatient and hunker down in a corner to pop out an egg. 

The recent eggs have been a good size for the most part, being over 50g with an occasional one or two per week being 43 to 45 grams while another one or two are closer to 58 to 60 grams. There's never been an egg that weighed more than 60 grams. But we have had a first with an egg being less than 40 grams.  The egg in the middle of the photo of eggs we received today only weighs 18 grams! I was shocked to see such an itty bitty egg from any of our hens. I hope this isn't a sign of her having a problem.

Less than a PeeWee egg between three Large eggs

Some articles online refer to these tiny eggs as wind or "fart" eggs. Some of them won't even have a yoke in them.  I cracked this little egg open and it had a little misshaped yoke. I cooked the egg and it tasted just fine, albeit, not very filling :^9 

I had mentioned in the last post that we were planning on putting the older hens in the freezer (so to speak) when, all of a sudden, they started producing more and we started selling more eggs.  The old hens have received a stay of execution for now.