Sunday, April 9, 2017

Acclimation Mooove

The chicks all survived their first few weeks, and now they are in the garage acclimating to the cooler temps.  We have a 75watt red light on top of the large dog cage to help with heat, especially at night.  We have foam/poster board attached around the sides to help prevent drafts and keep heat inside, plus it also helps to keep the shavings in the cage. As a backup for heat, I put a space heater outside the pen, that blows warm air in towards them. They seem to be adjusting for now, but it is a warm day, today. We'll see how they react to the cooler days that are coming up. They are in their "long neck stage" getting more feathers and starting to fly, so they are liking this larger space.  

On Wednesday, the meat chicks will be arriving so everything is cleaned up and ready for the next batch coming in.  In a few weeks, we will attempt to sell the three Orloffs as "back yards" to someone in the Portland area that wants to start with an adult flock of three. 

Welsummers in the Garage Cage

Four Welsummers at 4 weeks