Monday, September 17, 2018

Outdoors a Week Early

While the clucks are not fully feathered at five weeks, the day time temps are above 65 this week, and, as such, should be fine outside for the chicks.  We have a little heat lamp inside the coop for warmth at night. If it gets too cool at night, we can close up the coop tighter for added warmth for them.

One of the six cluck clucks is rather smallish in comparison, but is eating hearty, so it may just be a smaller chicken.  The others are quite a bit larger, which is a good sign. The smaller one is at the feed trough in the first photo with black spots on its back. But, in truth, they are still small compared to the Cornish Cross, at this age. Even the larger ones have to stretch to get to their water. Their eyes are an interesting color of grey with speckles of blue.  The photos do not do it justice.

Little Cluck at the Feed Trough

Swollowing that drink

Little Peep standing next to the bigger peeps.

Checking on the Feed