The start of the month was any normal September. Too Hot, Too Dry, and harvesting crops. Then life seemed to start sliding sideways. Let's see if I can remember everything in the order by date.
9/4 Friday - Pickle Palace is Completed with a few fixes still to be done.
9/5 Saturday - Moved young pullets into their new larger coop/run Pickle Palace.
9/6 Sunday - Picked a bunch of cucumbers and pickled two batches in honor of Pickle Palace.
9/7 Monday - Huge windstorm. We had to chase down the hoop coop tarp and batten that to the run plus set up a wind block for the layers in their run. Next we chased all the birds into their respective coops, the Meats were eager to go into their little A-frame Coop, the Layers into their Hoop Coop and the Pullets into their Green Mobile Coop. The winds with gusts about 50mph in our area, from the N/NE, were strong enough to move/push the new large coop/run two feet south! It didn't lift it or flip it, so that's good. None of the fiberglass got blown off either. Lots of power outages from downed lines, broken branches and toppled trees. Up on Mt. Hood, the power grid was shut off to help prevent new fires. It would take almost a week to get it turned back on for everyone.
9/8 Tuesday - Fires across Oregon were pushed across hundreds of thousands of acres. More than a million acres were burning shortly after the windstorm, wiping out towns and forcing close to a million people to evacuate. The skies to the south of us were turning red with smoke as the flames were going everywhere possible. Picked up apples off the ground. Need to peel and freeze them.
9/11 Friday - Get Ready (level 1) evacuation zone on our back door step. Almost all of Clackamas County was under evacuation with about half of the county already at "Go!" (level 3) evacuation. This was mostly from the Riverside fire south of Estacada but the one unnamed fire that was just south of Barton was not too far from us on the other side of a small mountain. We were packing and preparing, but at the same time, our old cat was dying. Two weeks prior, she had been diagnosed with a heart murmur, hyperthyroidism, and kidney disease. The medication was apparently too late to help, and she was over 15 years old and ready to die. We tried to figure out also, how we were going to move 25 birds to a safe location. The air was so choked with smoke, we could not see the mountains anymore, the sun was merely a small orange ball in the sky, when we could see it at all, the air quality was the worst of any place in the world, deemed to be hazardous to breathe and stay indoors with windows and vents shut. Thankfully, it cooled off quickly outside, once the smoke took over, and stayed in the 60F range.
9/12 Saturday - Neighbors' wells were going dry or muddy, and on this day, the cat died, and the air quality was still toxic. On the plus side, the humidity in the air had increased and we were having more moisture (fog) at night and early in the mornings, which was helping contain the fires. The evacuation zones were slowly being pulled back. By the end of the day, we were no longer in an evacuation zone.
9/14 Monday - We were supposed to receive some rain, but that didn't happen. Now, the news is predicting thunderstorms on Thursday night (9/17). Smoke is still thick and it is impossible to do much of anything outside without, at least, a mask. Unfortunately, that doesn't block the toxins, but we can't get N-95 masks due to the pandemic. We dug a hole next to our apple trees and buried our cat. Our hearts, of course breaking. She is no longer in pain. Today is also meat processor day. We withheld feed (they can have water) from the seven week old meaties today and tonight they are being transported to the processor up the street.
9/15 Tuesday - Meaties are back and in the fridge to rest. The heaviest one is six pounds and the lightest is 4.8 pounds. Fairly decent weights. Smoke is still awful, but the evacuation zones keep being pulled back, little by little. The fire just south of us had been contained, but flared back up on the 13th, but is reportedly contained again. Barely any winds this week has helped a lot. Biggest fear now will be the thunderstorm coming from the south of us.
9/16 Wednesday - More meaties. We have eight this time (like we should have had last time). Have them all set up in a box with their warmer, water, food, and light. The store wanted us to take a few extra this time because some of their customers were unable to pick up their orders due to the fires. We could not help them out this time. One of the chicks has several brown spots. I have had a few Cornish Cross with one spot, but never had one with several spots. The other chicks, unfortunately, pick on its spots.
9/17 Thursday - Smoke is still thicker than fog. Thunderstorms have been moving up the valley, mostly to the west of us. Kind of assumed we would not get any moving over us. We moved the hoop coop and run and battened everything down, just in case.
9/18 Friday - At 3:30 am, the lightning was directly overhead, winds from the south were strong and that was no little storm. Hail, and sideways rain pummeled everything, while the lighting was striking every 5 to 10 seconds. The thunder was one continuous rumble, causing the house to shake. Power went out so we went around checking to make certain everything was secure. It lasted about an hour, perhaps a little longer, and then just rain. We got over an inch of rain during that time. It continued to rain, off and on throughout the day, and by 5:30 pm, the smoke was totally gone and the sunshine was wonderful to see once again. Just like that. The Pickle Palace did not leak or blow apart. The lettuce was shredded. A few branches broke off the tomatoes, but it wasn't as bad as I thought they would be. Bell Peppers were in a fairly protected area and seemed fine. Nothing broken. When I checked on eggs from the layers, we had six eggs (normally was getting four each day) and one was super sized!
9/19 - Today, the rains continued with occasional showers, then sunshine, then showers again. The tractor was used to pull the Pickle Palace. One minor foot injury to one of the pullets as they freaked out. Perhaps from the tractor, or from the pen being moved. Rounded them all up and put them into the coop before moving it any farther. Checked on the onion starts I planted a month ago. Not sure what is up with them. Of the 35, I have 11 left. Might be bugs, the smoke, or animals. On a positive note, the dill that I thought was going to be a waste of my time is finally popping up! Cooler Weather? Perhaps. Dug up the last of our potatoes (the purple ones) because they got wet in the storm. Don't want them to rot before we get a chance to eat them. There were not very many and were fairly small.
Let's just say, it's been a stressful two weeks. We Survived even through the loss!
Photos below.