Friday, October 2, 2015

Triple Moulty Molt

This past week, the hens in Coop three have headed into the full on feather molt for the year. Coop one has been in partial molt since the end of August. There was one hen who has been pretty much laying an egg every other day, but I think she has given up. Coop two has had no eggs for about four weeks now. So, for now, we seem to be relying on the new girls.  We're getting about two eggs per day, so we should be fine with that. 

Darned Coyotes are hanging a little too close in our back yard. Neighbor told me the other day that he's noticed that we have a wide trail leading right up to our house from the highway. Also, he has noted that there are typically two or three coyotes pacing around the coops almost every morning now. That's not good.  I had commented about the crazy coyote we had a little over a month ago, wondering it it had rabies, but he suspects that it might actually be mange. We have an over population of coyotes in the area and that tends to lead to a lot of unhealthy stress in the groups, resulting in more disease. So, that's not good either!  Just another thing to have to keep an eye on. 

Well, anyways, hopefully, the hens will be done with their molt in a couple more weeks and we'll back in egg production soon.