Thursday, August 16, 2018

Prepping for Early Fall

We have our fall babies a month early because it takes them a little longer to grow to full size than the Cornish Cross.  This fall we are experimenting with raising Freedom Rangers.  My understanding is that they are a hybrid of a European meat chicken with an American meat chicken, but I have no clue which chicken breeds are used. I have read positive things and negative things.  Since we only have a few we will be able to see for ourselves whether they are more expensive, more time consuming, and how the meat tastes. 

Freedom Ranger Chicks - 4 days old

We're into the fall planting for the carrots, spinach and cilantro.  I picked up some more lettuce seeds too, for the next planting but I'll wait a few more weeks on that. The current lettuce is great and since we have them in buckets, we can move it into the shade in the afternoon to cut down on the heat induced bolt factor. Bell Peppers are finally getting ripe as are the tomatoes.  It is all coming together, finally. 

Day-time temps are still higher than usual, plus this week, we have had very bad air with high smoke particulate count. It is hard to breathe. Not sure yet how that will impact the plants or the birds. 

Leaf Lettuce Mix in Buckets

Red Bell Pepper

Yellow Bell Pepper slightly deformed

Baby Cucumbers

Just a few more inches until ready to eat.