Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Happy Layers August 2020

The past week we have been getting 4 eggs per day from our six young layers. Three of the eggs are brown, while one is a pale beige, similar to the Orloffs that we had. It might be one of the Barred, or it might just be one of the Rhode Islands laying a lighter egg.  I have had that happen before. They were all laying in the one big box that I had temporarily stationed in their coop, but I didn't want them to feel as though they had to share that much. When a girl's gotta lay, she wants some privacy. So the new nesting box was a bit of a test with two nice sized spaces available, would they use both? Yes, they did. I picked up two eggs from each box today. One of the Rhodes was standing on the perch and seeming quite proud of the new boxes in her space. Some happy layers today. 

New Nesting Box
Box in the Coop with 2 days worth of dust

Boxes tax the floor space!

2 Eggs in the right box

2 Eggs in the left box