Most of our plants are either in the green house or in the house under lights. Lost a bunch of tomatoes even in the green house. The stalks/stems have greened back up, but I'm not certain any of the frosted ones will come back. The survivors have a few curled leaves, but should be fine.
Also, my experiment with potatoes in the greenhouse. Small give gallon grow pots with Red Pontiac potatoes (x2) and Blue Potatoes (x1). In May, I'll plant the russets out in the garden box.
Also in the green house are the dills that I wintered over. First off, I'm surprised that they even survived, considering that I could NOT get my dill to grow last year. So, this bounty is payback for last year's failed crop, I guess
The plants indoors are waiting for better temperatures at night, so that I don't lose anymore plants. I have some tiny starts of the marjoram and hoping they survive. That is the second planting, and yah, they are difficult to start sometimes. Below is a photo of some of the Basil which have almost outgrown their little pots. I have 11 plants this year. Much better than our Basil that we tried and tried to grow last year!
And the Sweet Bell Pepper Replants. They are looking much better than my last attempt. This time, after germinating, I planted at least two seeds in each pot so that I can cut back the ones that are smaller/weaker and keep the larger stronger. The first pot below is the Red Wonder, and the other pots are mysteries. There were five different types of sweet bell peppers in that seed packet. I'm kind of excited to see what we get. The whole freezer and germination process got us this far. Read my Pepper post to learn more about the pepper germination process that I tried.
Aside from my herbs that are already outside and have sufficiently wintered over, I have my peas outside. These are the first sprouts of the snow peas. I plan to plant four seeds every two weeks until the middle of May.
That's pretty much all the garden plants that I have that I feel confident about. I do have onions, garlics and broccoli in the garden, but they are neither large nor looking great. Perhaps in a month? Will see.
And today, we picked up our meat chicks. 25 cute little fluffballs. A 24 hours later update with sadness. One of the cornish cross chicks had to be culled. It had leg issues and could no longer stand on its own.
The other chicks that we started last month are ready to go to their new homes, while most of our pullets are coop ready, except for one. I might post photos of our flock as soon as they are settled into their new space. Right now, we are working on the whole bonding process before we take them outside, where they will then solidify their pecking order.