We aren't getting a ton of snow, but enough that it is turning things white around here. Snow is coming in from the Northeast so we have wind panels up on those sides of the chicken coop, and the duck coop door is turned towards the South. At times, the flakes are pretty large, about the size of a quarter, but mostly just small, wet, flakes.
Gave the hens some scratch. We had a bad day yesterday in that it was windy and it blew their house hatch closed, locking them all inside for the majority of the day. We knew it had to have been most of the day because there were no eggs in the nesting box. When we moved them to some fresh ground last night I put a light inside their house with some fresh water, while we did all the prep work for the potential of snow today. That way they could, at least, rehydrate before going to roost. Poor Girls. So they deserve a little extra scratch today.
Ducks are doing great. Playing in their pool and running around inside their pen checking out the snow. We need to keep an eye on the white/fawn duck as she likes to take flight into the wind and we are having just enough wind to make it possible for her to fly right out of the pen. LOL
Update, these photos were at 2pm. By 6pm, the snow was five inches deep and still building up. When I went out to put the birds to bed, the duck coop looked like an igloo cave.