Sunday, February 12, 2023

The New Chicks Are Coming, The New Chicks Are Coming!

First 2023 Chicks in their small brooder
Just now starting the new chicks for spring, 2023. I did some special order chicks in addition to the ones that I ordered from the hatchery a couple of months ago.  I picked up a couple Olive Eggers, Cream Legbars, and four Lavender Orpingtons. With the temps still fluctuating in the garage, we decided to start the chicks in a large box in the house. We have two more large boxes ready to be used when the other chicks arrive next week. Normally, I use a smaller red water base (non-drowning) base, but I didn't have ready access to them and needed to get water going.  These little girls have done just fine with this base. 
Basic Brooder Setup for new chicks
Thirsty Chicks Rehydrating on their first day

The chicks are now three days into being at the house, and seem to be doing well.  They will be a week older than the rest of the chicks that arrive next week.  We will merge them based on the situation and health of the newer chicks.  If the newer chicks bounce back quickly after they arrive, we will quickly merge this little group with the larger group.  On the other hand, if the new chicks don't bounce back quickly, we will assess the strongest chicks that we can merge with the first batch and work to nurse the weakest back to health as quickly as possible. 

Am very excited to learn more about the new breeds that I requested.  The chicks that I listed for pre-sale were reserved very quickly this year. Now to just wait and see what arrives. 

The meat (Cornish Cross) chicks won't be arriving until April 12th. I was much more careful about timing this year so that we have plenty of time to ensure that all the layer chicks can go outside before we start our batch of meat chickens. The only bad factor here is that these chicks will need to go outside while there is still the chance of freezing temps near the end of March. I try to ensure that the temp in the garage is kept a bit cooler so that they will feather more quickly this year.