Sunday, May 26, 2013

And Now There Are Four

Unfortunately, Purple did not make it through the night.  She was the only baby chick that was sneezing non-stop. She would shake her head with each sneeze and she had like a gurgly-burbly sound when she breathed. Her eyes looked clear and she didn't have any type of discharge from either her eyes, nostrils or beak.  She didn't have diarrhea, either. She ate well, but she was puny and did not appear to be growing much. The only real symptoms, aside from not growing, is that she was sneezing a lot; like every minute or two. So Purple is the third chick we have lost in as many weeks. I really have to wonder how on earth other people are able to not lose any baby chicks while we have lost almost 50% of ours?!  Orange is the other weak one who seems to have poor eyesight. I guess we will just have to wait to see what happens with her.  

As a special treat today, we dug up a couple of worms and chopped them up for the chicks.  They loved them and it turned into a chase between the chicks to try to get the dangling piece of worm from the mouths of the others after all the worm bits were gone from the tray.