Sunday, May 11, 2014

Double the Pens

When we built the second coop, we decided to connect the pen and coop together as one unit for a quick move option as we pasture the second flock along side the first flock. We built a second pen that matches the dimensions of the primary pen to add space while we have all ten chicks. 

We also built a third coop, albeit smaller coop space, for a family member who will keep chickens in the city limits. The city only allows a maximum of three hens' no roosters or additional hens without a special permit. With Russian Orloffs, three will provide about 15 eggs per week, all winter, spring, summer and most of the fall.

Here are some photos of our second coop with the extra run attached. 

Coop - Exposed Gable End with Nesting Box and electrical outlet
Back (non-door) with extra gate leaning on it.
Extra Long Run - two pens connected
Extra Long Run, other angle