Thursday, May 8, 2014

Hah - What a difference a Breed Makes - Rooster or Hen?

Another Update 10/20/14 - Buckeye has returned to the farm... he is not a she

Update! 5/25/14 - These photos were taken when we did not know that one of the chicks was not an Orloff. Funny how different breeds develop so much differently, size, and structure. The chick that we thought might be a rooster is actually a Buckeye and she is a pullet!  So everything that was posted below is really just a comparison between pullets of two different breeds. 

As I mentioned in the last post, we are thinking that we have one cockerel and nine pullets, instead of ten pullets. Here are the comparisons of the four chicks photographed this week.

Comb defelopment - Six week chicks - Left to Right, Peeps one, two, three & four

Six week Chicks - Shanks and Feet - top two are Peep One - bottom are Peeps 2, 3 & 4

Peep One - Arrow pointing tolittle bump on back of right shank

We note that Peep One has a larger comb and that it is pink already (unusual in this breed for it to be pink this early). Also Peep One is the only one to have a bump on the back of each leg approximately where a spur would develop. None of the other peeps have these bumps. 

Some of the other things we are supposed to be looking for are pointed saddle feathers on either side of the tail feathers. Not there. Longer tail feathers that are more distinct in coloring. Also not there. But I believe that those are not supposed to be showing for several more weeks.

Mind you, as I mentioned, we may simply have a pullet who is developing faster than all the others. We will just need to keep tabs on this one for a few more weeks before declaring that it's a Roo.