Thursday, August 19, 2021

A Cooler August Week 2021

 Those hot days are miserable.  Thankfully, the tree tents helps the apples.  They are starting to ripen now, and only a few were scalded where we couldn't cover the tree branches. 

Worked on a revamp of the pull pen that we used for the meat birds last spring.  We needed a larger coop for the left over chicks that we have yet to sell.  So the pull pen is now a convert-a-coop. Ha. We have read about having chickens digging in the dirt around the apple trees to help fertilize and have the birds eat the larva that drop out of the apples in the fall. We will see if  this concept works. I doubt that it will hurt. So the young birds in their convert a coop will be digging and fertilizing around the two apple trees and eventually, they will be out in the field if we can't sell them all this fall. 

The fall portion of the garden is picking up now that it is cooler outside. Bell Peppers and Tomatoes in their respective grow areas seem a lot less stressed. 

Made up a couple batches of pickled Cukes and Eggs. Tried a different recipe using apple cider vinegar along with the white distilled vinegar. Not bad. Has a nice crisp flavor. 

New Flock

Speckled Sussex & Andaluse in the back

Australorp & Splash Andalusian

Speckled Sussex

Some of the flock

Blue Andaluse


Convert a Coop next to Apple Tree

Close up of coop

Looking into the coop

Other side of coop

Different Angle

Freshly Pickled Cucumbers

Pickled Hard Boiled Farm Fresh Eggs 4 doz