Tuesday, August 3, 2021

The Foreigners Summer Start 2021

 We are trying to sell these little cuties.  We wanted to try some mail order chicks this summer. They all arrived in good shape and have all survived for the first three weeks.  Three more weeks and they will be ready to go outside. 

Week One - they all have the same stature but the Andalusians are super fast runners. We have one Black Andelusian that we can't tell from the Australorps yet.  The Blue and the Splash Andalusians are interesting to watch since they stand out from the crowd.

Spain - Andalusian

Autralorp = Australian Orpington

UK - Speckled Sussex

Week Two  - Andalusians are still super fast and are always nervous. We finally figured out which one was the Black Andalusian. All the chicks are starting to get wing and tail feathers. They are all starting to stand more upright and don't squat quite as much. 
2 week Andalusians

2 week Australorp

2 week Speckled Sussex

Week Three - Even more upright, but the Australorp are the tallest and most upright of them all. The chicks are starting to fly up onto the roost and they like to dust bathe in the wood shavings. The Australorps and Andalusians have the longest tail feathers. The Sussex have the most colorful wings. 
3 week Andalusians with tail feathers

3 week Australorps are tall

3 week Sussex are short with stubby tails