Saturday, May 8, 2021

Spring Garden Growing Into May 2021

 The spring is a mix of about 50 to 60 degree days with an occasional hot one here and there. Broccoli finally seems to be kicking it into gear. Onions are perking up. Garlic, ho hum. Peas v. Snow Peas is an interesting comparison.  I planted a few peas in each pot every two weeks in March and April. The Snow Peas are doing so much better, but the regular Peas are showing some growth. Just very slowly. 

The birds are growing quickly.  The blurred edges are from trying to take photos between the wire on the pen. Today's photos are a bit more clear, but yah, still not the best. 

Pen moves easy. We move it while feeding the birds in the morning.  Within 24 hours, the ground is muck with 23 rapidly growing birds eating, sleeping, pooping in the confined area. But their legs all appear strong. We are staying with the 18% protein feed although most people go with 20 or 22%. 

We will weigh them tomorrow. 

Broccoli Tent
Broccoli inside tent
Garlic & Onions
Snow Peas
3.5 week old Cornish Cross
Cornish Cross at Water Fount
Cornish Cross wanting More Food
Row of Cornish Cross Done Eating
One Corner Group
Other Corner Group

24 hours of meat chicken activity