Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Mid June Garden Updates 2019

This top photo is of one lonely basil sprout.  I am hoping it survives and that others pop up soon. I tried to get a photo of the dill, but those are so tiny, and my lens is not strong enough to show them yet. I don't know if the thyme are sprouting. I don't know their sprouts from weeds, yet.  Carrots are also sprouting, but, like the dill, are too small to photograph. 
Tiny Basil Sprout 6-14-19
This is the one lettuce pot, of the three, with the most seeds that germinated.  I have since thinned it out to two sprouts per location (5), so that they don't crowd each other. Each pot has a different type of leaf lettuce. 
Leaf Lettuce in Pot 6-14-19
 This is a group of potato blossoms.  This barrel has the most blossoms and most foliage. 
White Potato Blossoms  6-14-19
Radish.  While I did not plant a lot of these seeds, only half have popped up.  I will replant this weekend to fill in the empty space.  
One of a few Radishes  6-14-19
Now that we have the ants under control, I get to pick five to seven fresh strawberries every morning. YUM!
Strawberries Galore  6-14-19
My beans are looking good.  Like  the Basil and Radishes, the beans are also in my square garden bed.  The past few years, I have planted the beans on the East side of the garden, but last year's crop was slim.  I only ended up with two bean plants that survived.  This year, I planted them on the south side of the garden.  Eight popped up this week. Two were mowed down by slugs. I have put slug bait around the outside of the garden and  then, over the weekend, two more beans popped up.  I have thinned it down to five solid starts.  
Bush Bean sprouts  6-14-19
These are some of the largest of the strawberries that are almost ready for picking.  You can see that I layered the soil with leaves to keep the berries out of the wet dirt.  I like to use leaves because they don't contain any weed seeds, like straw/grass contains, and there are no splinters like bark shavings have. 
Large Strawberries  6-17-19
I think I mentioned that I had four cucumbers starts.  Then suddenly poof, over the weekend, one vanished into thin air.  No roots, no stem, no nothing! I have never had that happen before. I have replanted in an attempt to get one or two more seeds to pop back up. In the meantime, these three are getting larger and seem very happy. 
Three Cukes  6-17-19
I added blood meal to the tomatoes again.  This will be the last time for adding blood meal, and from here on out I will use a "fruit" fertilizer every other week to help with the actual tomatoes which should be starting soon.  I have lots of blossoms on the SunGold cherry tomato plant, and we may actually have some cherry tomatoes to eat by July. (Fingers Crossed.) 
The Four Tomato Plants  6-17-19
The potatoes are continuing to look healthy.  No more fertilizer.  Just a good watering once or twice a week and pull them under the shade of the maple tree on the really hot days to protect them from burning. 
Close Up on Potatoe Blossoms

That's my garden update for the middle of June.